Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Lilia loves to destroy things under her sexy new wild leather boots. This time she has found a toy car. She lifts her foot and crushes it down with a violent scream. After a few seconds the whole car is destroyed and Lilia is happy! Crushing things makes her feel powerful.

This merciless young woman has stolen her ex boyfriends favorite toy which has been a remote helicopter. You can see her wearing her sexy black boots as the helicopter tries to start off. But the lady is much faster! She catches the helicopter with one kick and makes it fall down on the ground where she continues crushing and kicking it until nothing is left over.

Mistress Lisa Jordan has prepared a very nice meal for any of her slaves. She has put different sorts of chocolate pralines on a piece of hard paper . Now she begins to trample and crush the chocolate with her sneakers and white socks. She smashes everything into a sweet sludge. Would you like to eat it from her toes?

Mistress Xenia has put a white plastic cup on the ground next to her sexy white sandals. The violet polish on her toes shines bright as she lifts her foot to slowly lower it right on the plastic cup. She increases the pressure of her foot and tramples the cup until it's as thin as a piece of paper .

This has once been a good camera! It was a gift to that lady but she was angry and needed something to quit her frustration. So she put the camera on the ground and started to crush it with her black high heeled boots. First she stepped on the lens than she cracked the whole body until nothing was left over.

Those sexy young ladies have a lot of fun destroying different things with their sneakers. First they crush toy cars and toy trains. Then they stomp some bulbs. In the end they even crush some food under their worn out merciless sneakers. There are many nice pov scenes inside that clip.

Helena's ex boyfriend has left his oh so loved cell phone at home. She found it and thought that she won't return it to him! She wanted to have a revenge since he always treated her not good enough. So she put the cell phone on the ground and started to slowly step on it with her sexy sandals. Then she increased the pressure and crushed it very hard until nothing was left over...

Lilia uses her sexy high heel shoes to crush a banana on the hard floor. Her heels easily penetrate the soft fruit before she crushes it completely. She then takes off her shoes and crushes a second banana under her sweet bare feet. She doesn't stop until the bananas are completely squished.

A guy invited Lady B and Naomi to meet him in the park for a nice breakfast but the ladies have other plans. When they arrive the find the beautiful setup he prepared and immediately step on it with their high heels and boots. They're having a bunch of fun destroying his hard work and make sure nothing is usable after their treatment.

Mistress Samira crushes a piece of raspberry pie with her white buffalo plateau shoes. The pie gets crushed easily under the pressure of her body weight and gets mixed with the dirt of her shoe soles. But it still looks delicious, don't you think? Maybe you want to lick her soles clean?

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