Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Mistress Christin loves to crush things and she had crushed almost everything she could possibly crush. So she decided to try something she had never done before. She sat down and thought about the things she had never crushed and realized she had never crushed toy cars before. So she bought some and she enjoyed crushing and destroying them. She created a fine mess on the floor as she crushed them.

Madame Marissa wanted to destroy this doll using her ass so she placed it on her bike and sat on it. She went for a ride and had fun exercising while riding the bike as well as crushing it with her ass as she peddled. By the time she came back from her bike riding, the doll had been smothered and it was visibly clear it had been deformed by her ass crushing.

Mistress Lady B had broken up with her boyfriend. Today she found his watches in her basement and she did not know what to do with them. She did not want to send them to him and she did not want to keep them. So she decided to crush them and destroy them so that they will never be a bother again. She wore her high heels and used them to accomplish her task.

Madame Marissa was bored at home and whenever she is bored, there is no predicting what she can do. Today she went out and bought a few inflatable toys. She wore her high heels after she had inflated them and she destroyed them using the high heels. She crushed, smashed and stomped on them till she made sure they were completely destroyed. That is when she finally relaxed. She had not noticed how tired she was before she was done.

Mistress Christin did not like what her nephew did and she had to send a strong message to him. She knew just talking to him or giving him a time out would not work. She also knew she could not beat him. So she took her favorite toy cars and she crushed them and destroyed them. He cried and begged her to stop but she went on and told him he should remember that whenever he misbehaved.

Madame Marissa is a strict disciplinarian. She knew she could not beat her niece so she punished her using her toys. She took them and she crushed them using her old boots. She made sure her niece watched as she crushed them and as she cried and asked her why she did it, she told her it was because she had been a bad girl and if she did not change, she would destroy all the things she liked.

Lady B always uses shoes to crush stuff. But today she wanted to crush the shoes she usually used to crush things. They had gotten old so she did not need them any longer. Instead, she went and bought some spiked shoes. She wanted to use the spikes to destroy the shoes because flat shoes are not easy to crush. But armed with her spiked shoes, she effortlessly achieved what she wanted.

Madame Marissa found her son's toys when she was cleaning the house. He had outgrown them and she did not know what to do to them. So she had fun with them by crushing them using her boots and destroying them. She even crushed some old camera since she had a newer and better one. She took that chance to crush all the pieces of old technology that were in the house.

Mistress Christin wanted to listen to a certain radio program so she went to her old radio and she tried to listen to her program. She was pissed when it did not work as well as she had hoped. She had newer gadgets that she could use to listen to it and she used them. She had thought that it would be better than her newer gadgets. Since it did not work as well as she wanted, she crushed it and destroyed it.

These mistresses wanted to torture and humiliate their slave and they did it by torturing their slave. They went and brought tulips which they crushed using their heels. When they were done crushing them, they made their slave chew them. In addition, they also forced the slave to lick the soles of their high heels and made sure that he licked the heels clean before they let the slave go.

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