Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Marissa wanted to crush something so bad. She was angry and she went home and found marshmallows. She crushed them with her ass and called her slave to lick her ass clean

Gina hates Christmas. She woke up and found her friends had brought a Christmas tree and decorated it. She crushed the decorations and threw the tree out

Marisa wanted a model house. But the one this architect sent was not the one she wanted. She angrily crushed it and told the guy to send another one

Christin had bought a toy car for her son as a present in case he behaved well. He did not and she crushed the toy car angrily

Marisa had crushed many things, and now she wanted to try crushing food. She bought a load of bread and crushed it with her ass

Angel likes buying things to crush. She bought these two toy cars and when she was bored, she crushed them with her strong feet and it felt great

When Marisa wanted to show her husband that she was mad, she decided to use his favorite watch. She wore it on her boots and crushed it as she walked

Lady B has a crush fetish. She does not like to see anything she can't crush. She found these toy trucks in her basement and she crushed the hell out of them

Other girls adore and like dolls. These mistress on the other hand like to crush things with their feet. They took dolls and used their butts to crush them

Indira did not like photos. She wanted to destroy them and she settled on crushing them with her high heels and destroying them completely.

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