Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

There are very few times that Gina gets angry and this is one of those times. When she didn't get selected for the promotion she wanted, she goes into her boss's office. She takes his favorite record player off the shelf and onto the floor. She started to stomp all over it, crushing it into pieces. She didn't care that it was her boss's things. She just wanted to prove a point. With a smashed record player, she feels better as she walks out the door.

When Lady B sees her slave entertaining kids with a toy train, she is happy to interrupt. She crushes her cigarette with her shoe and walks over. She starts to step on all over the tracks and crushing the train cars. As the kids walked away, she continued to demolish the train set. When she couldn't crush anymore pieces, she put them behind her tire and backed over them to finish the job.

When Lady B is in the mood to be mean, she takes the beloved toy of her slave and makes them pay for their sins. She knows her slave loves the little wicker pram and teddy bear under her boots and she destroys it with pleasure. As she stands on the wicker, she loves to hear her slave cry with pain. She gets turned on with every break she inflicts on the pram. When she is finished with the bear, she makes her slave clean it all.

When Angel is bored, she needs to do something. She puts on her sexy knee boots and throws all her slave's sunglasses on the ground. She decides to step on them and enjoy the power. She knows that her slave will be hurt but she will be able to watch Angel with nothing in the way. She walks and crushes all the glasses. As every pair breaks, she feels a rush of pleasure in her pussy.

Christin will crush a toy car with her high heels. She hates toy cars because they get in the way and sometimes she does not see them on the ground. A few toy cars have injured her feet, therefore any toy car in her path is going to be crushed and demolished into pieces. She feels much better after she has crushed the car and it is fully broken.

Christin is a mistress that loves to put on her sexy black leather boots, so that she is able to break a clock. She has always hated clocks because they make her feel rushed for time. She will even make a special attempt at breaking every single piece of the clock into a million pieces, because her love for crushing clocks will be the most satisfying feeling ever to her.

Jacky's putting on her white sneakers because she has a mission to accomplish. She is going to take a toy car, and began to stomp the living shit out of it, because she hates toy cars from her childhood. She will relive her childhood and begin to stomp the car completely into pieces. She will feel much better after the car has been stopped apart and is broken.

A toy pony will end up being brutalized by three mistresses that completely hate toys. The three ladies are going to do horrible things to the toy pony including ripping off its cock and stomping on it. They will even get so brutal as to stomping on the toy ponies head while kicking it as well. These ladies hate toys big time, and they will break and run every one of them.

Lisa B and Angel her to ladies that love to crush. Generally when they are in the mood to crush a toy or a food item, it ends up being a large toy doll. They hate large toy dolls, because to each of the ladies they think the doll looks really stupid. Therefore the doll is going to get it and it will be crushed and smothered by both of the ladies.

Lisa has one of the best asses ever. She loves to show off her ass any chance she gets, because there are so many people that admire her ass. One of the things that turns on all of her admirers the most is taking a toy doll, and smashing the toy with her giant round ass. It makes all of her admirers go wild because they wish it was them.

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