Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Steffi loves crushing things. Her favorite is food crushing. Today she crushed fries with her sneakers and made this loser eat them from the floor

Indira, Lady B and Angel found a small horse toy and they had fun trying to destroy it with their butts. They tried butt crushing it one by one and later all of them at the same time

Jen loves her space. When this kid intruded on her space, she took her toy helicopter and crushed it with her strong feet to teach him a lesson

Lady Steffi did not want to inflict pain on her slave. But she wanted to punish him. So she crushed food on the floor and made him eat it.

Christin and Lady B wanted to see who would crush things in the shortest time with high heel boots. Thy crushed and destroyed things and in the end, it was a tie. They were both good

Crushing things is Lydia's passion. She loves to crush things of people who piss her off. She does not mind whether it is toy cars and kids stuff. She just crushes them

When the Princess of Pain goes home, she knows that she has to crush something to relax. She takes off her pretty blue high heels and sits in her favorite chair. Her slave brings a can to be crushed. Princess enjoyed rolling the can under her feet before she started to crush it. She enjoys the way the can flattens under her bare feet. When she is done, she admires her work.

Lady B wants to try something new. She wants to crush huge model airplane with her ass. She has her slave bring in her new toy and she puts on her favorite jeans. Lady B starts to sit on the toy, breaking tiny pieces. The harder she sits, the more it cracks and breaks. As soon as she has all the major pieces broken off, she steps on the plane to finish destroying it. She puts the broken plane into a suitcase just to get it out of the way.

When Michelle gets home, she has to relax. She has to sit and there is nothing more comfortable to sit on than her tiny doll-like slave. She grabs her slave and puts her on a leather ottoman. When Michelle sits, she makes sure her entire denim covered ass is all over her slave. She doesn't want much of her slave to be exposed when she sits down. She enjoys sitting and ranting to her slave until she feels better.

When Lady Steffi catches her slave misbehaving at a dinner party, she asks her hostess to allow them to stay after it ends. She orders her slave to take the food the hostess gives them to her car. She gets her slave home and orders him to the floor. When he is there, she tells him how worthless he is and what an failure he is. She puts the leftover food on him and smashes it all over his body. She makes him lick her boots like a good dog when she is done.

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