Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Gina hates flying. She is terrified of heights and whenever she can she avoids traveling by air. She also does not like toy planes. She found some toy plane someone had left in her house and she did not care to know who it belonged to. She embarked on trampling it and destroying it completely. She crushed it with her high heels and when she was done threw it in the trash

Madame Marissa does not like kids. She also does not like their toys. She likes to crush these toys whenever she sees them. She went to visit a friend and she saw toys all over her garage. She did not spare them. She crushed them and destroyed them completely. But she made sure she had done it stealthily so that no one would suspect that it was her who had done it.

Angel and Lady B wanted to have a crushing competition. They went and bought many toy cars and toy trucks. Then they started crushing them and wanted to see who would crush as many cars as possible as well as who would get tired faster and who would last. They did it for hours and by the time all of the toy trucks were crushed, it was a tie between them.

This mistress bought spiked shoes. She did not buy them because she is a good runner or even wanted to use them to run at all. She bought them for a different purpose and that is for her crush fetish. She likes to crush things and figured spiked shoes would be good accessories for doing that. She then took a toy car she found in her neighborhood and crushed it to pieces.

Faye was tired of using her high heels to crush things. So she planned to crush things using her butt. She took a doll and placed it on the bed. she then crushed it with her butt and when it was not getting destroyed the way she had hoped it would, she destroyed it with her hands as well as with her mouth. This time round it was completely destroyed.

Madame Marissa does not like cheap things. She as bought a laptop as a present by her boyfriend, and after seeing what kind of laptop it was, she just threw it down while he was watching and she crushed it using her high heels. She told him she does not use cheap things and he should buy a better and more appropriate one and he did what she asked for.

Toy trucks are always a sad reminder of Christin's little brother who passed away. She never liked to see them and she would destroy them whenever she saw any. She was walking around her garage when she saw one. She did not hesitate or think for a second. She crushed it with her sneakers and within minutes of her crushing it, it was in pieces and totally destroyed and unrecognizable.

Mistress Jana wanted to have a firm butt. She was advised to have butt exercises and she agreed. She decided to use her butt to crush things. For her that would make her butt strong. She would go and buy toys and other things and then place them on a stool and crush the hell out of them. She did it regularly and slowly, she started seeing the results she wanted.

When Marissa broke up with her boyfriend, she was still mad a few months down the line. One day she found his expensive watch in her house and she smiled. She knew what she was going to do to it. And she knew how he would react when he found out. She took it outside and placed it down then used her high heel boots to crush it to pieces.

When her son outgrew his many toy cars, this mistress was left with a lot of junk. She did not know where to take it all so she decided to destroy it. She did not know it at the time but it was soon going to be a lot of fun. She called her friend and they wore their high heel boots and destroyed the cars by crushing them all.

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