Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

Nina and Tina are both wearing flat sandals when they start to crush a large number of toy cars. First they just walk over the cars and laugh when they feel the cars getting flatter. But soon that's too boring for these girls so they start to stomp the cars under their feet and encourage each other to stomp down even harder.

Zoe just got confirmation that her boyfriend cheated on her and punishes him by shrinking him to doll size and binding his whole body with duct tape. Now he has no chance to escape anymore and after she placed him on the couch she lifts her skirt and just sits down on his tiny body. You can barely see a tiny part of his body sticking out of her ass and she won't stop until he's totally crushed!

So you really chose these flowers for your mistress Lady Nivia? Well, she things they're totally ugly and wants to crush them after her riding lesson. Her large horse walks right in the direction of your flowers - and over them! But Lady Nivia doesn't think that they're destroyed enough so she gets off her horse and stomps the remains under her dirty riding boots.

Mistress Katja is angry and wants to quit her anger on some electrical device by crushing it with her sexy wild leather boots. She puts it on the ground and immediately starts to jump on it and crush it. She enjoys cracking it with her heels and soles and after a while there is nothing left over...

Sexy Mistress Chanel is crushing bread. She puts it on the ground and stomps it violently with her sexy white pumps. She keeps kicking and stomping it over and over again until nothing is left over. She smiles and is really amused about her doings.

This cruel Mistress called Jasmina is enjoying her power and dominance. She puts a toy car on the ground and crushes it with her sexy pink boots. She lifts her heels right above that tiny toy just to lower it instantly and violently. As she hits the car, it cracks and bursts.

Mistress Xenia wears her sexy black sandals in this one. She wants to quit and stop smoking. So she drops her very last cigarette right on the ground and starts to crush it with the soles of her sexy shoes. She grinds it all into a smash and smiles after she lifts her foot to see what she has done.

Jenny got this huge teddy from a fan but doesn't like it. She decides to crush it under the wheels of her car and therefore places it on the road just in front of her car. She drives over the teddy again and again until it's totally ripped apart by the heavy car.

Saya from the Philippines loves to crush stuff - especially with her gorgeous ass! Today she flattens a teddy underneath. In the beginning she's still wearing her skin-tight blue jeans but she takes them off later and sits down on the teddy with her nearly naked ass - only covered by a tiny thong.

A girl wearing T-24400 Buffalo boots stomps two mobile phones until they're destroyed completely. She first just compresses them between the hard floor and the hard platform soles of her boots before she starts stomping and grinding them until there's nothing left but tiny pieces.

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