Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

All articles tagged with "Toy Crush"

These mistresses wanted tough toys because they knew the kids they were buying them for would test them to the limit. And so they wanted to buy high quality ones. That is why they resorted to crushing them to test how strong they were before they bought them in large quantities. The act of crushing them helped them to find the best ones which they eventually purchased and got value for money.

Mistress Marie knew that her son was fond of his cars but he was had developed some bad habits that she wanted him to drop. So she had to punish him and teach him a lesson and she did it through crushing his favorite toys. She did it and was not going to replace them until he changed his behavior. It worked as he cried and changed so as to get new ones.

Mistress Marie loves to crush and smash to scare people and today she smashed and crushed chocolate with her boots to scare this slave. He had been taking a lot for granted and she could tell. She did not want him to be too comfortable about it and that is why she did that. He was told that he would be next to be crushed unless things changed drastically. He changed.

Mistress Nyx bought a lot of candy not to eat but to crush. She had watched crush fetish videos and she was intrigued by them to the extent that she had to try them out. She did not expect much out of the whole exercise but she loved how it turned out and she knew she would try another form of crush fetish such as bigger toys or a loser.

Mistress Nyx was so angry at the way in which she had been treated at work and since she could not do much about it as it was her superiors behind it, she got home and she took out her anger on her toys. Since she gets angered easily, she had bought them to help her contain her anger. And it worked out perfectly as she was able to contain her anger.

Mistress Suzanna had always wanted to crush her son's toys but since he was using them and she did not want to buy new ones, she chose to let them be. But he had outgrown them and now she could easily and without any issue, crush and destroy them. That is what she did today and it was very satisfying for her and she had the time of her life.

This mistress was pissed at her husband and since she knew he would come home later on and want to have sex with her, she used bananas which he hated, to turn him on and to piss him off as well. The mistress crushed the bananas on the floor using her bare feet and as she created a mess, he was pissed and since she had some on her feet, she did not even want to touch her.

Lady Asmodina went for a walk near the lake but that did not take up all her time the way she had expected it to. So she went out of her way to crush some toys she found and as she concentrated on doing so, she was able to kill enough time for her to get started on the walk back home. She had also managed to clear her head.

Madame Marissa was used to crushing toy cars but today she wanted to venture into crushing inflatable toys. So she bought a few of them and after she had inflated them, she used her high heels to try and crush them. It was fun as it was different from what she was used to and she had a lot of fun in the process. She knew she would be doing it again.

Lady Sara and mistress Luna were bored out of their freaking minds and they wanted to find a way to deal with the boredom. That is why the mistresses chose to use their shoes to crush a mirror as well as other items out of fun. And it ended up being more fun than they had anticipated they would have at the start of it all. And thus their crush fetish was born.

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