Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

All articles tagged with "Toy Crush"

Princess Serena could not wait to get home and crush her balloons. She had bought balloons to crush as she had a crush fetish and she knew she was going to have a great time doing it. She bought lots of them and when she reached home, she kept herself busy crushing them and bursting them. She did not notice time fly by. She did not even remember to eat.

Madame Marissa was in a foul mood so on her way home she passed by a toy store and she bought a couple of toys. Everyone assumed she was buying them as a gift for a child but in the real sense she had bought them for herself. She took out her anger on the toys as she reached home. She crushed them using her high heel boots and felt better when she was done.

Lady B likes new technology. When she realized her phone was becoming slow and did not support many applications, she had to get a new one. And since she did not need the old one for anything, she destroyed it to save on space. She crushed it using her spiked high heels. It did not take her long to do it as she crushed the smartphone to pieces and threw it away.

This mistress loves to crush but with her butt. She loves to wear jeans and then crush and destroy things. It makes her feet great and it also tickles her. Today she felt like crushing plastic cups so she placed them on a pouffe and she crushed them one by one till she was done. It was good exercise for her ass and she had a lot of fun doing it.

Madame Marissa is not a fun of toys. When she found one in her basement, she did not even bother to find out who it belonged to. She just picked the toy train and she crushed it using her high heel boots. She destroyed the boots and made sure there was nothing left of it but a mangled mess. She then ordered a slave to clean up the mess she had left behind.

Madame Marissa wanted to crush toys but she had had enough of crushing things with her feet. She wanted to crush them using something else. So she took the toy cars she had bought to crush and used her car to crush them. She placed them in a run and crushed them with her tires. The toys were destroyed immediately as they could not withstand the weight of her car.

Mistress Christin loves to crush things and she had crushed almost everything she could possibly crush. So she decided to try something she had never done before. She sat down and thought about the things she had never crushed and realized she had never crushed toy cars before. So she bought some and she enjoyed crushing and destroying them. She created a fine mess on the floor as she crushed them.

Madame Marissa wanted to destroy this doll using her ass so she placed it on her bike and sat on it. She went for a ride and had fun exercising while riding the bike as well as crushing it with her ass as she peddled. By the time she came back from her bike riding, the doll had been smothered and it was visibly clear it had been deformed by her ass crushing.

Mistress Christin did not like what her nephew did and she had to send a strong message to him. She knew just talking to him or giving him a time out would not work. She also knew she could not beat him. So she took her favorite toy cars and she crushed them and destroyed them. He cried and begged her to stop but she went on and told him he should remember that whenever he misbehaved.

Madame Marissa found her son's toys when she was cleaning the house. He had outgrown them and she did not know what to do to them. So she had fun with them by crushing them using her boots and destroying them. She even crushed some old camera since she had a newer and better one. She took that chance to crush all the pieces of old technology that were in the house.

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